Method Functional Safety

SIL Verification & PFD Calculation Workshop

3 x 4 hour practical Workshop sessions designed to help you streamline your SIL verification process. Teaching you how to demonstrate that SIFs are SIL compliant through practical classroom exercises covering the disciplines of SIL Verification and Calculation. On completion of the Workshop, candidates have the option to attain formal certification of competence in this field by the completion of two case studies. The case studies use the templates on which the course is based, with the support of a =Method personal tutor while they are completed.

Please note that the course mainly focusses on hardware aspects of SIL Verification. Verification of application programs and device configuration is introduced, but it is not a major focus of the Workshop.


Classroom Training

The Course is delivered over 2-days.

Live Online

Live Online  Training

The Course is delivered as 3 x 4 hour sessions (usually mornings) over a single week. Homework will be set on Days 1 and 2 that has to be completed before the start of the next day.

Course Content

Who should attend

Functional Safety Professionals and Engineers.


This workshop assumes you are knowledgeable in the field of functional safety. This course is not suitable for those who do not already understand the essential functional safety principles.

Ideally you should have passed the TUV Certified IEC 61511 for SIS Training Course (or equivalent).

What you should bring

We recommend that you bring your own laptop to allow you to view the material on which the course exercises are based and to download and complete verification checklists. The exercises require you to perform complex calculations, this can be done on your laptop, on your own scientific calculator or using calculators that we will provide.

If you have projects or products that you would like to review as part of the workshop, please bring the associated data sheets and certificates with you.

After this workshop you will be able to

What you will get

All delegates receive:

Certification of Competence

Delegates can attain formal =Method certification of their competence in SIL verification and calculation, by “Demonstrating Knowledge”. How this can be achieved will be discussed with each delegate. One possibility is for a member of the =Method Functional Safety team to support a real project facilitated by the delegate so that they can mentor, coach and evaluate the candidate. The certification is valid for 5 years and can be renewed on submission of further “Demonstration of Knowledge”, demonstration of Continuing Professional Development and experience of SIL verification and calculation project work.

Course Enquiries

If you have any further questions, please contact us and if you wish to proceed, check your diary and reserve a place.

Check your diary and reserve a place

Live Online Learning
Classroom Learning
On Demand Learning
On Demand Learning
SIL V&C rating Course rating 84.8%

Recent delegate comments:

"Bring some examples of practical problems found within your project. Copies of bad certs and establish why you have chosen the device."

"What would you say to anyone thinking of attending this course? Attend!"

"Quite a lot of things will be clearer but need to be taken away and applied."

"Much clearer knowledge of product selection relating to design requirements. Clearer understanding of how figures are acheived."

"Good exchange of ideas, going forward a new basis for me."

"Highly recommended workshop."

"I really had the feeling that I wouldn't be getting better quality or level of expertise in any other training environment."

"training style and level of knowledge. Even when presented with an unusual scenario you apply logic to the answer."

"Learnt about various approaches, CASS templates and how to apply the skills in my role."

"I gained skills/ knowledge which are useful after the course"

Read more comments.

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Address: Method Functional Safety Ltd. Method House, Davis Crescent, Hitchin, SG5 3RB
Phone: +44 (0)1462 713313 Email: Website:

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